A devout, professional dog services company serving all breeds in the Tri-State area.

Full Grooming
Brushing, Bathing, Drying, and Trimming

Wash & Blow Dry
Brushing, Bathing, and Drying Only

Nail Clipping
Front and Back Nails
Please contact us to inquire about any additional services you may need.

Hi, I’m Curtis
I'm the owner of Tried and True Dog Services. I have always had a passion for dogs. These are my two dogs Maddie and Cersei who help me take care of all of our friends that come to visit! I am a certified Dog Trainer and Groomer, licensed, and insured. I love all breeds and treat my furry clients as if they were my own. I look forward to being part of your family and assisting with all of your dog grooming, training, and other needed dog services!
My Happy Clients
Follow Us on Facebook @ TriedandTrueDogServices

Opening Hours
Mon - Thurs: 8am - 6pm
Fri & Sat: 8am - 7pm
Sun: Closed
Ask Me Anything
Please feel free to submit any questions or concerns via the contact feature to the right. We will get back to you ASAP. You can also visit our Facebook for more information.
216 E Market St., Wilmington, DE 19804
(302) 559-1661